Trax Nightclub (Big League Chew Show) :: March 23, 1993

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Mar 23, 1993
    Tour: 1993 » Spring 1993
    Added: Jan 20, 2009
    Plays: 2,923
    Favorited: 56 times
    ***** 19 ratings
    Venue: Trax Nightclub
    West Main Street
    Charlottesville, VA 22904

    19 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro * 0:52
    2.  Heathcliff's Haiku Warriers * 3:49
    3.  Minarets * ^ 3:55
    4.  Best of What's Around * 3:09
    5.  Typical Situation * 4:25
    6.  All Along the Watchtower * 4:32
    7.  I'll Back You Up * 3:20
    8.  Two Step * 7:49
    9.  Granny 5:02
    10.  Jimi Thing $ 22:53
    11.  Also Sprach Zarathustra Medley 7:35
    12.  Ants Marching 4:46
    13.  So Much To Say 5:34
    14.  One Sweet World 9:24
    15.  True Reflections & 7:46
    16.  Recently 10:02
    17.  Rhyme & Reason 9:34
    18.  Dancing Nancies 10:16
    19.  #34 9:06
    20.  Minarets 7:47
    21.  Blue Water Baboon Farm 17:21
    22.  Warehouse 8:24
    23.  Tripping Billies 5:18

    * - Dave Matthews Solo
    ^ - Weird problem with vocals switching from left to right channel,
    and back This problem would have been the soundman's problem, not
    the DATs.
    $ - Slight dropout just eliminated by me. Will appear as a slight
    skip. Sorry.
    & - Man, true reflections was a problem. Two major dropouts, one
    around 1:50,the other around 2:35. For the one at 2:30, I put in
    a line that had already been sung, and then sent it straight into
    Boyd's solo. Sounds a little weird, but much better than it did
    at first. There was no salvaging the 1:50 dropout. I did my best,
    but it's still blatently obvious. Ah well. The third major
    problem was at 4:45. I don't know what it was, but the song
    sort of skips a beat again. I didn't touch this one.
    ! - Weird reverb thang going on at one point. On master DAT.

    This show is called Big League Chew because the chewing gum of the same name sponsored the evening, allegedly. That was a story told from the old tape trading days.

    This is the last show with Peter Griesar as a member of the band. Peter specifically recalls his keyboards shorting out during his last show. There is a chance that this wasn't actually his last show, but more than likely it is.

  • Recording Information

    Taper: Unknown
    Source: DSBD

    DAT>CD: Mike Vernal <>
    Equip: Tascam DA-P1 > Audiomedia III > PowerMac G3/233 w/ Pro Tools 4.3.2

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