Tinker Street Cafe :: October 4, 1995

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Oct 4, 1995
    Tour: 1995 » Miscellaneous 1995
    Added: Jan 17, 2011
    Plays: 841
    Favorited: 9 times
    **** 2 ratings
    Venue: Tinker Street Cafe
    59 Tinker St
    Woodstock, NY 12498
    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 3:54
    2.  Seek Up 16:30
    3.  Tripping Billies 7:09
    4.  Deed Is Done * 9:22
    5.  Drive In Drive Out 7:01
    6.  Proudest Monkey > 8:26
    7.  Satellite 8:04
    8.  Crash Into Me * 7:24
    9.  Granny 6:16
    10.  Too Much * 5:46
    11.  #41 * 7:57
    12.  So Much To Say 6:20
    13.  Jimi Thing 17:56
    14.  Ants Marching 7:56

    * First time played (full band)

  • Recording Information

    Source: DSBD

    Conversion: Matt Horwitz (moodmb41@aol.com) - 1.15.02
    DAT > MKW/SHN: Tascam DA20MKII > HHB 850 > Samplitude 2496 >
    CDWav (no DAE)

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