Stevens Auditorium (Iowa State University) :: February 5, 1996

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds
    Concert Date: Feb 5, 1996
    Tour: 1996 » Dave and Tim 1996
    Added: Sep 29, 2008
    Plays: 829
    Favorited: 6 times
    **** 2 ratings
    Venue: Stevens Auditorium (Iowa State University)
    Iowa State Center
    Ames, IA 50011
    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  #41 6:14
    2.  Granny 3:28
    3.  Warehouse (passion) 10:56
    4.  One Sweet World (Swim Naked) 4:51
    5.  Dancing Nancies 6:41
    6.  Deed Is Done + 4:46
    7.  Crash Into Me 6:04
    8.  What Would You Say? > 4:47
    9.  Minarets ^ > 5:14
    10.  Typical Stiuation 7:16
    11.  Jimi Thing > 5:29
    12.  What Will Become of Me 2:27
    13.  Say Goodbye 5:33
    14.  Two Step 7:02
    15.  Stream 6:18
    16.  Seek Up 8:04
    17.  Nature > Tripping Billies 5:41
    18.  Christmas Song * 6:40
    19.  Recently % 5:37
    20.  Jam 4:23
    21.  Old Tyme Cover > 0:36
    22.  Watermellon Song 0:56
    23.  Nature # 1:14
    24.  Lie In Our Graves 6:24
    25.  I'll Back You Up 5:12
    26.  All Along The Watchtower 9:15
    27.  Little Thing 4:57
    28.  Ants Marching 5:05

    + w/ great comment from the taper in the intro
    + At the begining of this song you hear a girl copme in and ask some
    guy if they have played Satellite yet. He says "yes", and she says
    "Damn." I only mention this because at other points in the show you
    can hear her yelling "Satellite." I just wonder if it's the same
    girl from the next night at Luther College?
    * w/ "All You Need Is Love" and "Can't Buy Me Love" outros
    % w/ Some Do/Don't and Norwegian Wood intros
    # Samples cover. For some dude who was screaming for it.

  • Recording Information

    Taper: Unknown
    Source: Core Sound Binaurals->Sony TCD-D7
    From: Unknown - Mics worn on tapers head

    DAT>SHN:Louie Rendek <>
    Equip: Archive Python DDS/dat2wav > .wav; no soundcard
    Soundforge for resampling & CDWAV used for tracking

    SHN>SHN:Andrew Knowles <>
    Equip: Matshita CR-5850 for extracting two batch shns
    Soundforge 4.5 used to re-attach shns
    CDWAV used for tracking

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