CTV Masonic Temple :: May 11, 1996

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: May 11, 1996
    Tour: 1996 » International Spring 1996
    Added: Aug 11, 2016
    Plays: 132
    Favorited: 3 times
    ***** 0 ratings
    Venue: CTV Masonic Temple
    888 Yonge St
    Toronto, ON Canada M4W 2J2
    Show Info: DMB Almanac
  • Tracks

    1.  Drive In Drive Out 8:50
    2.  #41 8:33
    3.  Two Step > 8:02
    4.  Crash Into Me 7:11
    5.  Tripping Billies 6:48
    6.  One Sweet World 9:36
    7.  Say Goodbye 8:23
    8.  Jimi Thing 15:23
    9.  So Much To Say 4:43
    10.  Proudest Monkey > 10:11
    11.  Satellite 5:58
    12.  Too Much 4:46
    13.  Granny 4:35
    14.  Cry Freedom 6:43
    15.  #36 * > 11:35
    16.  Ants Marching 6:54
    17.  Little Thing 5:09
    18.  Davespeak - Bob Marley 0:49
    19.  Exodus > 10:36
    20.  All Along The Watchtower * 14:35

    * With G. Love

  • Recording Information

    Source: unknown
    Taper: unknown

    Conversion: Mike Vernal
    da-p1>audiomedia III>powermac G3>pro tools>AIFF>soundedit 16>separate AIFFS>CD

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