Giants Stadium (Meadowlands) :: June 7, 1998

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Jun 7, 1998
    Tour: 1998 » Spring 1998
    Added: Nov 11, 2008
    Plays: 1,326
    Favorited: 26 times
    ***** 4 ratings
    Venue: Giants Stadium (Meadowlands)
    10 Murray Hill Pkwy
    East Rutherford, NJ 07073

    4 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 1:43
    2.  Best Of Whats Around 7:29
    3.  Pantala Naga Pampa * > 0:40
    4.  Rapunzel * 8:14
    5.  Crush * 12:40
    6.  Don't Drink The Water * + 8:02
    7.  Recently 9:48
    8.  Back To Alexandria * % + & 7:57
    9.  So Much To Say > 4:09
    10.  Anyone Seen The Bridge > 1:22
    11.  Too Much 6:09
    12.  Pig * % + 11:07
    13.  Jimi Thing 13:23
    14.  For The Beauty Of Wynonna 5:14
    15.  Tripping Billies 7:17
    16.  Two Step + 11:19
    17.  Stay * + @ 6:38
    18.  Encore Break 1:22
    19.  Crash Into Me * + 6:13
    20.  Watchtower Intro * + 3:14
    21.  All Along The Watchtower * + 9:25

    * Butch Taylor
    % Big Voice Jack
    + Bela Fleck
    @ The Lovely Ladies

    & First time played

  • Recording Information

    Taper: Unknown
    Source: Microtech Geffel 2000->AERCO->Sony SBM-1->Sony TCD-D8

    DAT>CD: Ken Kieffer
    Equip: Sony TCD-D8 > Opcode DATPort > Pentium II 450 > Samplitude >

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