Gaillard Municipal Auditorium :: February 12, 1999

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds
    Concert Date: Feb 12, 1999
    Tour: 1999 » Dave and Tim Winter 1999
    Added: Jul 1, 2011
    Plays: 425
    Favorited: 5 times
    **** 4 ratings
    Venue: Gaillard Municipal Auditorium
    77 Calhoun Street
    Charleston, SC 29401
    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 6:33
    2.  Crush 13:56
    3.  The Stone 10:01
    4.  The Best of What's Around 7:54
    5.  Say Goodbye 8:36
    6.  Tripping Billies (Nature intro) 7:24
    7.  One Sweet World 6:54
    8.  Stay (Wasting Time) 6:53
    9.  Two Step 10:40
    10.  Bartender > 3:29
    11.  Don't Drink the Water 7:29
    12.  Hopeful Heresy * 7:24
    13.  Spoon 6:37
    14.  Jimi Thing > 6:44
    15.  What Will Become of Me > 3:13
    16.  Pantala Naga Pampa 4:01
    17.  Too Much 6:53
    18.  All Along the Watchtower 9:37
    19.  Lie in Our Graves 7:39
    20.  Letting Go * 8:09
    21.  #41 7:17
    22.  Dancing Nancies 6:46
    23.  Encore Break 1:56
    24.  Crash Into Me 5:18
    25.  Warehouse 8:21

    * Tim solo

  • Recording Information

    Taper: Casey Morgan
    Location: Balcony
    Source: akg480(ck61 caps)>Graham Patten DMIC20>Sony TCD-D8
    Transfer: DAT(@16/44kHz)>Tascam DA-20>M-Audio Microtrack II>USB>PC
    Conversion: Tom Gambichler-WAV>Sound Forge 8,Fade in & fade out applied>L3 Waves Volume Maximizer>CD Wav Editor for track splitting>WAV>Flac Frontend, compression @ level 5>Foobar 2000 for tagging

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