Pantages Theatre :: March 9, 1999

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds
    Concert Date: Mar 9, 1999
    Tour: 1999 » Dave and Tim Winter 1999
    Added: Apr 20, 2010
    Plays: 557
    Favorited: 2 times
    **** 4 ratings
    Venue: Pantages Theatre
    6233 Hollywood Blvd
    Los Angeles, CA 90028

    2 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 4:00
    2.  Two Step 8:29
    3.  One Sweet World 7:54
    4.  Crush 11:19
    5.  The Stone 10:32
    6.  All Along the Watchtower 7:34
    7.  Stay (Wasting Time) 6:18
    8.  Bartender > 3:38
    9.  Don't Drink the Water 9:31
    10.  Proudest Monkey > 4:58
    11.  Satellite 4:50
    12.  Letting Go 9:56
    13.  Too Much 5:15
    14.  Spoon 6:59
    15.  Lie in Our Graves 6:43
    16.  Warehouse 10:06
    17.  Jimi Thing > 5:44
    18.  What Will Become of Me 4:31
    19.  Say Goodbye 5:38
    20.  Jemez Rolling Waves 8:26
    21.  Wild Horses 9:09
    22.  Crash Into Me 5:12
    23.  For the Beauty of Wynona 5:12
    24.  Christmas Song 5:32
    25.  Dancing Nancies 6:04
    26.  Encore Break 3:13
    27.  Digging a Ditch 4:08
    28.  Ants Marching 5:08

    * Tim solo

  • Recording Information

    source : marcsounds > sony tcd-d100
    recorded from row 3 of the pit right infront of dave
    taper : markp

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