The Gorge Amphitheatre :: August 6, 2000

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Aug 6, 2000
    Tour: 2000 ยป Summer 2000
    Added: Apr 10, 2010
    Plays: 839
    Favorited: 8 times
    ***** 3 ratings
    Venue: The Gorge Amphitheatre
    754 Silica Road NW
    George, WA 98848

    64 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Video: Watch on YouTube
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 2:14
    2.  Seek Up > 18:14
    3.  Panatala Naga Pampa > 6:33
    4.  Rapunzel 8:28
    5.  The Stone 8:00
    6.  I'll Back You Up 5:13
    7.  Dancing Nancies 10:37
    8.  Satellite 6:05
    9.  Recently 10:14
    10.  #41 * 10:35
    11.  JTR 6:18
    12.  Grace Is Gone 7:20
    13.  Lie in Our Graves 15:36
    14.  Bartender 10:46
    15.  Crush 10:07
    16.  Granny 5:03
    17.  Two Step 23:30
    18.  All Along the Watchtower 11:07

    * With Mitch Rutman

    From the road:

    We do love coming to the Gorge. It is one of the most beautiful places in the world to do a show. Our good friend, Mitch Rutman, who has worked on the road with us as part of the catering staff for the past few years is retiring from touring. He also plays a mean guitar so the band asked him to sit in on #41 tonight. It was a great jam. We'll miss him deeply. We're all headed home for a short break and will pick back up on the 19th at Alpine Valley in Troy, WI. See y'all in a couple weeks.

    Saturday, August 7
    12:21am PDT

  • Recording Information

    Taper: Alex Coluzzi (
    Source: schoeps mk4 > rmod box preamp > sbm1 > d8
    Location: Section B, row 20, seats 1&2

    Conversion: Joe Polastre (
    DAT > SHN: da-p1 > dio 2448 > cool edit pro (pIII 733mhz) > cdwav > shn

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