Riverport Amphitheatre :: September 19, 2000

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Sep 19, 2000
    Tour: 2000 » Summer 2000
    Added: Aug 18, 2010
    Plays: 676
    Favorited: 16 times
    ***** 5 ratings
    Venue: Verizon Wireless Amphitheater St. Louis
    14141 Riverport Dr
    Maryland Heights, MO 63043

    12 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 2:00
    2.  Best of What's Around 5:56
    3.  Satellite 7:04
    4.  Don't Drink the Water * 9:24
    5.  Drive In Drive Out 6:39
    6.  Angel from Montgomery 4:52
    7.  One Sweet World 9:19
    8.  Busted Stuff 8:11
    9.  Jimi Thing 17:15
    10.  Grey Street 7:56
    11.  True Reflections 7:46
    12.  So Much To Say > 4:24
    13.  Anyone Seen the Bridge & > 1:43
    14.  Too Much [fake] & > 0:08
    15.  Ants Marching & > 8:42
    16.  Two Step & 36:22
    17.  Pantala Naga Pampa > 0:40
    18.  Rapunzel 7:08

    * With Béla Fleck
    & With Béla Fleck and the Flecktones

  • Recording Information

    Taper: Craig Willoughby <marchingant@earthlink.net>

    Source: neumann ak40s > neumann lc-3 active cables > neumann km100s >
    Lunatec V2 > Audio Magic Presto-II XLRs > GP ADC-20 (44.1)

    Location: 11th row, stage left stack; on Jeff Travitz's stand.

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