Old Dominion University :: March 26, 2003

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds
    Concert Date: Mar 26, 2003
    Tour: 2003 » Dave and Tim Spring 2003
    Added: Feb 26, 2009
    Plays: 620
    Favorited: 7 times
    *** 3 ratings
    Venue: Ted Constant Convocation Center
    4320 Hampton Blvd
    Norfolk, VA 23529
    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 1:41
    2.  Bartender 12:35
    3.  Where Are You Going? 4:51
    4.  When The World Ends 5:51
    5.  Two Step 9:47
    6.  Gravedigger 4:44
    7.  Stay or Leave % 7:09
    8.  The Maker 5:27
    9.  Help Myself 8:23
    10.  #41 > 5:29
    11.  Grace is Gone 6:44
    12.  Satellite 7:27
    13.  Crush 9:32
    14.  Don't Drink the Water 7:34
    15.  Open Up, Let It In > Jemez Rolling Waves * 7:51
    16.  I'll Back You Up 5:01
    17.  Everyday 6:36
    18.  The Stone 13:01
    19.  Jimi Thing > What Will Become of Me 9:03
    20.  Kundalini Bonfire * 6:13
    21.  Seek Up 8:08
    22.  Lie In Our Graves 7:18
    23.  Dancing Nancies 14:14
    24.  Encore and Intro 1:51
    25.  Ants Marching 4:35

    * Tim solo
    % First time played

  • Recording Information

    Taper: Craig Willoughby
    Source: Neumann SKM140 (ab) > Grace Designs V3 (16 bit ANSI, 44.1 mhz) > Sony M1
    Floor 2 Row A, just left of center, 8 feet from stage/monitors
    DAT > SHN: Sony M-1 > Emagic EMI 2|6 > Apple iBook > Sound Studio 2.0.7 > shn

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