Sleep Train Amphitheatre :: July 30, 2003

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Jul 30, 2003
    Tour: 2003 » Summer 2003
    Added: Nov 30, 2010
    Plays: 819
    Favorited: 14 times
    **** 3 ratings
    Venue: Sleep Train Amphitheatre
    2677 Forty Mile Rd
    Wheatland, CA 95692

    5 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 3:04
    2.  The Best of What's Around 6:33
    3.  Warehouse 9:41
    4.  Rhyme & Reason 7:10
    5.  Spoon 7:14
    6.  Pig 7:50
    7.  Kit Kat Jam 6:48
    8.  Sleep To Dream Her 4:52
    9.  What Would You Say 7:19
    10.  Jimi Thing 14:42
    11.  Crash Into Me > 6:00
    12.  Minarets 9:16
    13.  Grace Is Gone 9:06
    14.  The Dreaming Tree 10:32
    15.  So Much To Say > 4:15
    16.  Anyone Seen The Bridge > 1:24
    17.  Pantala Naga Pampa > 0:38
    18.  Rapunzel 6:57
    19.  Encore Break 9:34
    20.  Digging a Ditch 5:11
    21.  All Along The Watchtower 13:00
  • Recording Information

    Taper: David Baty
    Source: Schoeps CCM4V (A-B) > Schoeps K5LU XLR > Lunatec V3 (ANSR, @44.1kHz)
    Location: Sec C, Row 14, Seat 30 (last seat in row, stage right)
    (17' up, ~25' away)

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