Darien Lake Performing Arts Center :: June 14, 2006

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Jun 14, 2006
    Tour: 2006 » Summer 2006
    Added: Aug 8, 2019
    Plays: 162
    Favorited: 3 times
    ***** 1 rating
    Venue: Darien Lake Performing Arts Center
    9993 Alleghany Rd
    Darien Center, NY 14040

    7 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 2:20
    2.  One Sweet World 7:11
    3.  JTR 7:33
    4.  Pantala Naga Pampa > 0:39
    5.  Rapunzel 8:03
    6.  Hunger for the Great Light 4:24
    7.  Crash into Me 7:24
    8.  Raven 6:49
    9.  Lie in Our Graves 16:17
    10.  Joyride 4:59
    11.  Crush 14:53
    12.  Warehouse 11:48
    13.  Break Free 10:50
    14.  Everyday * 8:13
    15.  Ants Marching 12:39
    16.  Sister 5:18
    17.  Kill the King 4:48
    18.  Two Step 16:39

    * With Matisyahu

    From the road:

    It was a magical night on stage tonight. We heard Joy Ride for the first time in a few years. Matisyahu joined the band on Everyday. As he entered the stage during the tune, a nearby cottonwood tree burst it's seeds into the air sending cottony tufts floating over the band. A surreal moment, to say the least. Matisyahu proceeded to lay down a funky freestyle rap between seemingly traditional Hasidic chants. We were pleasantly surprised during Two Step when Butch busted out some Jethro Tull AquaLung over an outrageous Carter solo. And the beat goes on. See y'all at SPAC.

    The DMB Crew
    Thursday, June 15
    12:03 AM EDT

  • Recording Information

    Taper: Eric Naylor
    Source: AKG 480/ck61 > Lunatec V3 > Tascam DA-P1 > MicroTrack 24/96
    Setup: 5th row, house right, 15' stand, A-B mics
    Conversion: MicroTrack 24/96 > PC

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