HiFi Buys Amphitheater :: August 15, 2006

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Aug 15, 2006
    Tour: 2006 » Summer 2006
    Added: Dec 9, 2008
    Plays: 819
    Favorited: 7 times
    ***** 0 ratings
    Venue: HiFi Buys Amphitheater
    2002 Lakewood Ave
    Atlanta, GA 30315

    3 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 2:01
    2.  PNP > Rapunzel * 8:45
    3.  Crash 7:12
    4.  Say Goodbye 10:45
    5.  Satellite * 5:55
    6.  The Idea of You * + 5:05
    7.  Hunger for the Great Light * + 4:30
    8.  Louisiana Bayou * + 9:07
    9.  You Might Die Trying * + 6:08
    10.  Break Free * + 9:02
    11.  So Much To Say > ASTB * + > 6:02
    12.  Too Much * + 6:05
    13.  Can't Stop * + 5:04
    14.  Warehouse * + 12:33
    15.  Intro to... * + 1:18
    16.  Dreamgirl * + 9:29
    17.  #41 * ~ > 26:26
    18.  Ants Marching * ~ 12:25
    19.  Encore Break * + 2:54
    20.  Sister ^ 5:32
    21.  JTR * 7:08
    22.  Tripping Billies * 6:10

    ^ Dave Solo
    * Rashawn Ross on trumpet
    + Jeff Coffin on Saxaphone
    ~ Bela Fleck and the Flecktones(- Vic)

  • Recording Information

    Taper: Jake Brock(byujakedmb@yahoo.com)
    Source: AKG393>Bumblebees>T+ UA5>MT2496
    Location: Sec 103 Row V - A-B @ 13'

    Conversion: Jake Brock(byujakedmb@yahoo.com)
    Equipment: MT2496 -> PC -> Wavelab (Dither to 16bit) -> SHN

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