Toyota Park :: July 8, 2007

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Jul 8, 2007
    Tour: 2007 » Summer 2007
    Added: Oct 1, 2008
    Plays: 834
    Favorited: 16 times
    ***** 3 ratings
    Venue: Toyota Park
    7300 W 71ST St
    Bridgeview, IL 60455

    2 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 1:57
    2.  One Sweet World * 7:29
    3.  You Might Die Trying * 7:29
    4.  Still Water > 6:59
    5.  Don’t Drink the Water * 8:35
    6.  Grey Street * 5:15
    7.  Intro to... > 1:28
    8.  Louisiana Bayou * 10:24
    9.  The Idea Of You * 5:45
    10.  What Would You Say * 7:20
    11.  Anyone Seen The Bridge * > 1:34
    12.  Too Much * 7:27
    13.  Jackpot + 5:29
    14.  Dream Girl * 5:53
    15.  The Maker * 7:48
    16.  Seek Up * 22:49
    17.  Satellite * 4:56
    18.  Intro to... > 1:14
    19.  Crush * 13:00
    20.  Stay (Wasting Time) * 6:35
    21.  Encore Break 5:33
    22.  Sister ~ 5:09
    23.  Two Step * 14:55

    * Rashawn Ross
    + Dave and Carter
    ~ Dave Solo

  • Recording Information

    Taper: Crumbo
    Location: Section A2, Row 7, Seats 3 & 4
    Source: Source: Schoeps MK4 (DIN, ~15') > KC5 active cables > Schoeps CMC6xt > SD 722 (24/96)
    Conversion: SD 722 > Wavelab 5.01b (resample, dither w/MegaBitMax) > CDWav 1.95.1 > xACT 0.5.9 > foobar2000

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