Assembly Hall :: April 6, 2008

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds
    Concert Date: Apr 6, 2008
    Tour: 2008 » Dave and Tim Spring 2008
    Added: Oct 6, 2008
    Plays: 1,158
    Favorited: 11 times
    ***** 6 ratings
    Venue: Assembly Hall
    1001 E 17th St,
    Bloomington, IN 47408
    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Introduction 3:49
    2.  Bartender 10:03
    3.  Save Me 5:46
    4.  Stay Or Leave 5:37
    5.  Satellite 6:31
    6.  So Damn Lucky 8:21
    7.  The Dreaming Tree 9:32
    8.  Cornbread 4:52
    9.  Smooth Rider 6:09
    10.  Old Dirt Hill 6:13
    11.  Crush 8:44
    12.  Stream + 8:08
    13.  Sister 5:43
    14.  Lie In Our Graves 10:06
    15.  Gravedigger 4:26
    16.  Dancing Nancies 9:06
    17.  Encore Break 4:40
    18.  #41 6:27
    19.  Ants Marching 5:46

    +Tim Reynolds Solo

    - No stands allowed on floor or in the seats, mics were clipped to sunglasses on my head
    - Thanks to Chris B. for the tape!

  • Recording Information

    Taper: Mike Peters <>
    Source: Sound Professionals CMC-2A's -> GSA Battery Box w/ bass rolloff -> iRiver iHP-120 @ 44.1 wav
    Conversion: iRiver iHP-120 > Sound Forge 9.0 (Slight EQ, Fades) > FLAC (Level 8)
    Location: Floor Left, Row 15, Mics @ 6ft

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