Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival :: June 13, 2010

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Jun 13, 2010
    Tour: 2010 » Summer 2010
    Added: Jun 20, 2010
    Plays: 1,278
    Favorited: 18 times
    ***** 2 ratings
    Venue: Great Stage Park
    1560 New Bushy Branch Rd
    Manchester, TN 37355

    3 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Video: Watch on YouTube
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Don't Drink the Water 9:02
    2.  You Might Die Trying 8:14
    3.  Seven * 5:32
    4.  Lying in the Hands of God 13:11
    5.  Shake Me Like a Monkey * 4:33
    6.  Can't Stop 5:48
    7.  Tripping Billies 7:21
    8.  Spaceman % > 5:44
    9.  Corn Bread * % > 5:37
    10.  Too Much * % 5:33
    11.  So Damn Lucky 10:50
    12.  Why I Am 4:16
    13.  Jimi Thing * 15:03
    14.  Time Bomb * > 5:38
    15.  Two Step 16:57
    16.  The Needle and the Damage Done 4:16
    17.  All Along the Watchtower 10:38

    * With Lamont Caldwell, Matt Cappy
    % With Danny Barnes

  • Recording Information

    Taper: Chris Payment (
    Source: NPR Radio thru SONY FM Stereo Receiver thru Philips CD Recorder 200
    Transfer: Disc to PC - tracks cut with CD Wave
    Conversion: wav to FLAC with Trader's Little Helper

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