Comcast Theatre :: June 7, 2013

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Jun 7, 2013
    Tour: 2013 » Summer 2013
    Added: Jun 18, 2013
    Plays: 1,302
    Favorited: 11 times
    ***** 4 ratings
    Venue: Meadows Music Theater
    61 Savitt Way
    Hartford, Connecticut 60601

    24 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  #34 [tease] 0:54
    2.  JTR 7:14
    3.  Warehouse 11:02
    4.  Squirm 6:42
    5.  Broken Things 5:13
    6.  The Idea of You 5:15
    7.  Kill the Preacher 3:09
    8.  Why I Am 4:51
    9.  Captain 5:51
    10.  Belly Belly Nice 4:14
    11.  Big Eyed Fish > 5:48
    12.  Bartender 15:16
    13.  The Song That Jane Likes 4:33
    14.  Lie In Our Graves 17:50
    15.  Runnin' Down a Dream * 6:34
    16.  Rooftop 7:07
    17.  The Dreaming Tree & 18:08
    18.  Rhyme & Reason & 9:12
    19.  Everyday > 8:31
    20.  Ants Marching 8:58
    21.  Encore Break 5:47
    22.  Drunken Soldier 10:06
    23.  All Along the Watchtower 8:52

    * First time played
    & With Stanley Jordan

  • Recording Information

    Recorded By: Scott Brown
    Source: DPA 4028 > Grace Design Lunatec V3 > Mytek Stereo 192 @ 24 bit, 96khz > Sound Devices 744T
    744T > Apple MacBook Pro > Wave Editor 1.5.7 (tracking, resample to 44.1khz using Izotope 64 bit SRC, dither to 16 bit using MBIT+) > xACT 2.24b(5928) > flac
    Location: Back of the pit, stage left stack

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