The Gorge Amphitheatre :: August 31, 2013

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Aug 31, 2013
    Tour: 2013 » Summer 2013
    Added: Sep 17, 2013
    Plays: 1,312
    Favorited: 4 times
    ***** 3 ratings
    Venue: The Gorge Amphitheatre
    754 Silica Road NW
    George, WA 98848

    64 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 1:19
    2.  Warehouse 14:55
    3.  Seven 5:40
    4.  So Right 6:19
    5.  Proudest Monkey > 8:39
    6.  Satellite 5:49
    7.  #41 15:05
    8.  Don't Drink The Water 7:16
    9.  #34 7:25
    10.  Rhyme & Reason * 9:45
    11.  Belly Full 2:14
    12.  So Damn Lucky 14:45
    13.  Kill the Preacher [partial] 1:33
    14.  Why I Am 4:17
    15.  #27 5:03
    16.  The Song That Jane Likes 4:40
    17.  Spaceman > 6:13
    18.  Corn Bread 6:29
    19.  Jimi Thing 16:56
    20.  Encore Break 5:43
    21.  Oh 3:07
    22.  Loving Wings 9:56
    23.  Two Step 21:35

    * With Joe Lawlor

  • Recording Information

    Taper: Jon Koch
    Source: Schoeps MK4 > active cables > Nbox+ > Edirol R-09HR (24/48)
    Location: Back of GA pit, in line with right speaker stacks, Mics DIN ~ 11'
    Transfer: Edirol R-09HR > SDHC > PC
    Edit: wav > Sony Soundforge 9.0a > wav > CD Wave > wav
    Conversion: wav > Trader's Little Helper 2.4.1 > .flac

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