Molson Amphitheatre :: June 24, 2014

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Jun 24, 2014
    Tour: 2014 » Summer 2014
    Added: Jul 8, 2014
    Plays: 164
    Favorited: 0 times
    ***** 0 ratings
    Venue: Molson Amphitheatre
    909 Lakeshore Blvd. West
    Toronto, ON Canada M6K 3L3

    4 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 0:59
    2.  Bartender 9:10
    3.  Grace Is Gone 6:05
    4.  Recently 7:40
    5.  I'll Back You Up 5:04
    6.  Two Step 7:34
    7.  Stolen Away on 55th & 3rd 7:55
    8.  Lie in Our Graves 10:06
    9.  What Would You Say 5:58
    10.  Encore Break (Set 1) 1:48
    11.  Seek Up 17:30
    12.  Save Me 6:04
    13.  Belly Belly Nice 4:56
    14.  #27 6:24
    15.  Don't Drink the Water 7:35
    16.  If Only 8:58
    17.  Seven 6:26
    18.  #41 12:58
    19.  Why I Am 4:41
    20.  The Song That Jane Likes 3:56
    21.  Drive In Drive Out 7:56
    22.  Water into Wine [Partial] 2:44
    23.  Pantala Naga Pampa > 0:39
    24.  Rapunzel 5:51
    25.  Encore Break (Set 2) 6:08
    26.  Some Devil 4:02
    27.  Dancing Nancies 10:23
    28.  Shake Me Like a Monkey 5:16
  • Recording Information

    Taper: Rockinman
    Location: Rear of GA PIT, Right stack, mics A-B config, stand height @ 14 feet
    Source: akg460mods/ck63 hypercaps(Linear bass setting)>UA5 preamp(Wmod)>Marantz PMD661(SPDIF In) @ 24/48 kHz
    Transfer: PMD661->USB->PC
    Conversion: 24/48kHz wav->Sound Forge Pro 10> iZotope 64-Bit SRC & iZotope MBIT+ for resample and dither to 16/44.1 kHz, No normalization, Waves L3 UltraMaximizer applied->CDWave Editor->Flac (level 5)> Foobar 2000 for tagging

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