Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena :: July 15, 2014

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Jul 15, 2014
    Tour: 2014 ยป Summer 2014
    Added: Aug 11, 2014
    Plays: 237
    Favorited: 0 times
    ***** 1 rating
    Venue: Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena
    300 A Philip Randolph Blvd
    Jacksonville, FL 32202

    2 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro (Set 1) 1:19
    2.  Bartender 8:28
    3.  Two Step 7:26
    4.  Snow Outside 8:03
    5.  Satellite 6:40
    6.  Stolen Away on 55th & 3rd 8:08
    7.  #27 6:23
    8.  Sweet 7:07
    9.  Tripping Billies 5:36
    10.  What Would You Say 5:28
    11.  Intro (Set 2) 2:58
    12.  Minarets > 6:28
    13.  One Sweet World 8:12
    14.  Seven 6:25
    15.  Belly Belly Nice 4:04
    16.  Crush 15:43
    17.  Save Me 5:53
    18.  If Only 7:31
    19.  Warehouse 11:04
    20.  You & Me 5:33
    21.  Sledgehammer 5:52
    22.  You Might Die Trying 7:47
    23.  Everyday 8:22
    24.  Grey Street 5:48
    25.  Encore Break 7:40
    26.  Belly Full > 2:00
    27.  Good Good Time 5:17
    28.  Why I Am 4:22
  • Recording Information

    Taper: Dean Wolfgang
    Location: 35' From Right Stack, Mics DIN @ 15 feet
    Source: AKG CK61>Naiant AKG Actives/PFAs>Lunatec V3>R44 @24/48 kHz
    Transfer: SD>MacBook>Audacity>xACT>uTorrent
    Conversion: 24-bit/48kHz.wav>Audacity, gain +4.2 dB, tracks/label, fade in/out, resample and dither to 16/44.1 kHz

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