Fiddler's Green Amphitheatre :: August 28, 2015

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Aug 28, 2015
    Tour: 2015 » Summer 2015
    Added: Dec 9, 2015
    Plays: 261
    Favorited: 2 times
    ***** 1 rating
    Venue: Fiddler's Green Amphitheatre
    6350 Greenwood Plaza Blvd
    Englewood, CO 80111

    9 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro (Set 1) 1:47
    2.  Little Red Bird 4:05
    3.  Rye Whiskey 3:57
    4.  Bartender 8:24
    5.  Oh 4:18
    6.  Tripping Billies 7:03
    7.  Grace Is Gone * 11:36
    8.  Spaceman * > 5:24
    9.  Corn Bread * 9:07
    10.  Intro (Set 2) 1:50
    11.  Intro to.. Minarets 0:56
    12.  Minarets 7:39
    13.  Seven 5:17
    14.  Warehouse 11:54
    15.  Black and Blue Bird 7:42
    16.  What Would You Say 5:56
    17.  Virginia in the Rain 8:00
    18.  Don't Drink The Water * 7:58
    19.  #41 * 17:12
    20.  Lie In Our Graves * 16:00
    21.  You & Me 4:45
    22.  Granny 5:16
    23.  You Might Die Trying 15:44
    24.  The Space Between 5:43
    25.  Pantala Naga Pampa > 0:39
    26.  Rapunzel 9:48

    * With Béla Fleck

  • Recording Information

    Recorded by: Christopher Jones <>
    Source: DPA 4015-TL Transformerless Handmatched Wide Cardioid > Mogami Gold Neglex Studio Quad Microphone Cable > Rupert Neve Designs Portico 5012-H Microphone Preamplifier (ÒSilkÓ circuit engaged) > Mogami XLR Interconnect > Mytek Digital Stereo192 Analog-to-Digital Converter (@ 24-bit / 96 kHz) > Mogami AES / EBU Digital Interconnect > Sound Devices 722 Hard Disk Recorder (slaved to Stereo192 @ 96 kHz; @ 24-bit / 96 kHz)
    Location: GA Pit, approximately 7 meters from stageleft line array. Microphones elevated 4 meters, A-B.
    HDD > .flac: Sound Devices 722 Hard Disk Recorder > Apple Retina Macbook Pro (2.6 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5 / 16GB 1600 MHz DDR3) > Audiofile Engineering Wave Editor v1.5.7 > xACT v2.36

    Resampled with iZotope Resampler at highest quality setting and a filter steepness of "150"; dithered using iZotope MBIT+ with a "Normal" amount of "Ultra" noise shaping applied. 24-bit / 96 kHz version of this recording available in .flac24.

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