Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie :: January 26, 2017

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds
    Concert Date: Jan 26, 2017
    Tour: 2017 » Miscellaneous 2017
    Added: Feb 14, 2017
    Plays: 654
    Favorited: 1 time
    **** 4 ratings
    Venue: Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie
    1001 Performance Pl
    Grand Prairie, TX 75050
    Show Info: DMB Almanac
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 0:57
    2.  Granny 5:00
    3.  Old Dirt Hill (Bring That Beat Back) 6:41
    4.  Crash Into Me 6:51
    5.  One Sweet World 6:42
    6.  Samurai Cop 6:00
    7.  What Would You Say 8:21
    8.  The Space Between 6:47
    9.  Save Me 6:05
    10.  Satellite 4:56
    11.  Grab The Horns By The Bull * 6:36
    12.  Virginia In The Rain 8:07
    13.  Tripping Billies 5:42
    14.  Intro to... 6:13
    15.  Black and Blue Bird 7:37
    16.  Corn Bread 6:04
    17.  Manfood * 8:16
    18.  Bismarck 6:38
    19.  Recently 5:40
    20.  Where Are You Going 4:55
    21.  Pantala Naga Pampa > Rapunzel 6:57
    22.  Crush 11:59
    23.  #41 5:41
    24.  Two Step 8:59

    * Tim solo

  • Recording Information

    Source: Milab VM-44 Links (SuperCards) -> Sonosax SX-R4 (24/48)
    Location: FOH, ROC, DINa, 8' high
    Transfer: Sonosax SX-R4 -> Audacity (16/44) -> CD Wave -> Flac

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