Polaris Amphitheatre :: June 19, 2000

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Jun 19, 2000
    Tour: 2000 » Summer 2000
    Added: Jul 27, 2010
    Plays: 1,231
    Favorited: 9 times
    ***** 2 ratings
    Venue: Germain Amphitheatre
    2200 Polaris Pkwy,
    Columbus, OH 43240

    4 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 1:20
    2.  Warehouse 9:36
    3.  What Would You Say 6:36
    4.  #41 10:42
    5.  So Much To Say 5:07
    6.  Dancing Nancies 10:05
    7.  Sweet Up and Down * 6:34
    8.  Don't Drink the Water 8:13
    9.  Typical Situation 14:13
    10.  Grey Street * 8:43
    11.  Lie In Our Graves 14:29
    12.  Too Much 6:34
    13.  Bartender 11:00
    14.  Jimi Thing 16:00
    15.  Tripping Billies 13:04
    16.  Digging a Ditch 4:59
    17.  Two Step 15:16

    * First time played

    From the road:

    We're back on the road for another summer tour, kickin' it off tonight in Columbus, Ohio. As the tour progresses we will be adding pictures and sound clips from the shows to this site. One of the coolest things we've been working on lately is the "real-time" set list. During each show, songs played by the band will appear on the set list page as the show goes on. Hope you dig it!

    Monday, June 19

  • Recording Information

    Taper: Mike Vernal <vernal@fas.harvard.edu>
    Source: neumann ak40s > neumann lc-3 active cables > neumann km100s >
    Lunatec V2 > Audio Magic Excalibur-II XLRs > Apogee AD-1000
    Location: 3rd row, dead center ***

    DAT > SHN: PCM-R500 > Audiomedia III/Powermac G3/233 > Pro Tools 4.3.2
    Panasonic 7502 (burn/extract) ****

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