Polaris Amphitheatre :: June 20, 2000

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Jun 20, 2000
    Tour: 2000 » Summer 2000
    Added: Jul 26, 2010
    Plays: 1,211
    Favorited: 14 times
    ***** 6 ratings
    Venue: Germain Amphitheatre
    2200 Polaris Pkwy,
    Columbus, OH 43240

    4 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 1:37
    2.  Satellite 6:07
    3.  Best of What's Around 7:02
    4.  One Sweet World 10:30
    5.  Help Myself 6:04
    6.  Crash Into Me 7:16
    7.  Sweet Up and Down 5:55
    8.  JTR * 6:49
    9.  All Along the Watchtower 9:22
    10.  Digging a Ditch 5:55
    11.  Rhyme & Reason 7:59
    12.  Grey Street 8:11
    13.  Two Step 15:43
    14.  Raven 6:41
    15.  Drive In Drive Out 12:12
    16.  #40 [partial] 3:29
    17.  Bartender 10:24
    18.  Ants Marching 8:10

    * First time played

  • Recording Information

    Taper: Mike Vernal
    Source: Neumann ak40s->Neumann lc-3 active cables->Neumann km100s->
    Lunatec V2->Audio Magic Excalibur-II XLRs->Apogee AD-1000
    Seats: 12th row, dead center

    DAT>SHN:Mike Vernal
    Equip: PCM-R500->Audiomedia III/Powermac G3/233->Pro Tools 4.3.2
    Panasonic 7502 (burn/extract) ****

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