Post-Gazette Pavilion at Star Lake :: May 30, 2008

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: May 30, 2008
    Tour: 2008 » Summer 2008
    Added: Feb 4, 2009
    Plays: 675
    Favorited: 23 times
    **** 3 ratings
    Venue: Star Lake Amphitheatre
    Rt 18 & Steubenville Pike
    Burgettstown, PA 15021

    14 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 1:28
    2.  Don't Drink the Water Intro > 2:53
    3.  Don't Drink the Water 7:49
    4.  You Might Die Trying 9:42
    5.  So Damn Lucky 6:22
    6.  Rhyme and Reason 7:52
    7.  Everyday 9:00
    8.  #27 6:10
    9.  Crash Into Me 8:03
    10.  Gravedigger 4:38
    11.  Smooth Rider 7:53
    12.  Corn Bread 6:55
    13.  One Sweet World 8:10
    14.  Pantala Naga Pampa > Rapunzel 8:23
    15.  Stolen Away on 55th & 3rd > 6:58
    16.  What Would You Say 7:07
    17.  Louisiana Bayou 9:04
    18.  Grey Street 5:27
    19.  Encore Break 8:19
    20.  Sister $ 4:30
    21.  Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) 8:25

    $ Dave, Tim, Rashawn and Carter

    This is the first DMB show to feature long-time guest Tim Reynolds since 8.23.04 and the first to feature him for the entire show since 12.19.98.

    This is the first DMB show not to feature keyboardist Butch Taylor since 5.15.01.

    First time Grey Street has been a set closer since 8.20.04.

  • Recording Information

    Taper: Crumbo
    Location: Section 1, Row H, Seat 17 & 18
    Source: Sennheiser MKH 8040 (A-B, ~17') > SD 722 (24/96)
    Conversion: SD 722 > Wavelab 5.01b (resample, dither w/MegaBitMax) > CDWav 1.97 > xACT 0.5.9 > foobar2000

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