Post-Gazette Pavilion at Star Lake :: May 31, 2008

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: May 31, 2008
    Tour: 2008 » Summer 2008
    Added: Oct 6, 2008
    Plays: 821
    Favorited: 19 times
    **** 2 ratings
    Venue: Star Lake Amphitheatre
    Rt 18 & Steubenville Pike
    Burgettstown, PA 15021

    14 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 2:08
    2.  Two Step 13:51
    3.  Granny 5:20
    4.  Corn Bread 7:14
    5.  Satellite 6:03
    6.  So Damn Lucky 5:29
    7.  The Maker 7:42
    8.  Where Are You Going . 4:32
    9.  You Might Die Trying 12:13
    10.  #41 13:51
    11.  Too Much 5:56
    12.  Melissa 5:55
    13.  Gravedigger 5:19
    14.  Rhyme And Reason 8:05
    15.  #27 6:50
    16.  Lie In Our Graves > 12:41
    17.  Ants Marching 7:46
    18.  Encore Break 8:40
    19.  Money > 6:55
    20.  Money (Thats What I Want) 3:11
  • Recording Information

    Taper: Crumbo
    Location: Section 1, Row H, Seat 17 & 18
    Source: Sennheiser MKH 8040 (A-B, ~17') > SD 722 (24/96)
    Conversion: SD 722 > Wavelab 5.01b (resample, dither w/MegaBitMax) > CDWav 1.97 > xACT 0.5.9 > foobar2000

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