Saratoga Performing Arts Center :: June 21, 2008

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Jun 21, 2008
    Tour: 2008 » Summer 2008
    Added: Nov 15, 2009
    Plays: 2,603
    Favorited: 40 times
    **** 12 ratings
    Venue: Saratoga Performing Arts Center
    108 Avenue of the Pines
    Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

    39 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Video: Watch on YouTube
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 4:41
    2.  Don't Drink the Water 8:16
    3.  One Sweet World 8:03
    4.  Grey Street 6:15
    5.  Dreaming Tree 15:42
    6.  #41 11:30
    7.  Rhyme & Reason 9:03
    8.  Shotgun 8:59
    9.  Ants Marching 10:18
    10.  A Dream So Real 5:12
    11.  #40 2:54
    12.  Corn Bread 7:19
    13.  Money > 7:11
    14.  Money (Thats What I Want) 3:54
    15.  Eh Hee 4:58
    16.  Lie In Our Graves 12:45
    17.  Jimi Thing 18:44
    18.  So Much To Say > 5:26
    19.  Anyone Seen The Bridge > 2:23
    20.  Too Much 5:52
    21.  Encore Break 6:16
    22.  Lie In Our Graves [reprise] > 1:22
    23.  So Damn Lucky 7:41
    24.  Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) 7:57

    From the road:

    DMB had a blast at SPAC. They played for nearly three hours each night. The audience sang so loudly during Jimi Thing tonight that Dave let them do the verses on their own. We were witness to a practical joke as well this evening, for little reason other than to have some fun. The band asked a bunch of crew guys to casually walk across the stage between So Much and Too Much. Boyd was the only one who didn't know ahead of time. The rest just wanted to see how he would react...and it was great. They laughed non-stop when they got back to the dressing room after the set. Our first seemingly rain-free show day of the tour has come to a close. We're stoked for a coupe days off. See y'all in Mansfield.

  • Recording Information

    Taper: Jason Johnson <>
    Location: Section 5, Row K
    Source: AKG 480s/ck63 (A-B, 17') > HiHo Custom Cables > Marantz ACM-671 (Kingston Elite Pro 45X 8 GB Compact Flash)
    Conversion: Dynex Card Reader > WaveLab 5.01b > CDWav 1.96.1 > xACT 0.5.9 > Foobar2000

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