Comcast Center :: June 25, 2008

  • Concert Information:

    Artist: Dave Matthews Band
    Concert Date: Jun 25, 2008
    Tour: 2008 » Summer 2008
    Added: Mar 12, 2010
    Plays: 973
    Favorited: 11 times
    ***** 1 rating
    Venue: Comcast Center
    885 South Main Street
    Mansfield, MA 02048

    22 concerts at this venue.

    Show Info: DMB Almanac
    Download: Torrent
  • Tracks

    1.  Intro 3:13
    2.  Don't Drink the Water 7:44
    3.  #41 12:50
    4.  Crash Into Me 6:42
    5.  Louisiana Bayou 9:05
    6.  Loving Wings 9:43
    7.  Cornbread 7:33
    8.  Jimi Thing 16:27
    9.  Money > 8:00
    10.  So Damn Lucky 8:50
    11.  The Idea of You 5:08
    12.  Where Are You Going 3:49
    13.  Seek Up 19:56
    14.  Two Step 14:57
    15.  Encore Break 5:57
    16.  Sister 4:06
    17.  Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) 8:26

    From the road:

    The 11 PM curfew sneaks up on us at some of these venues and the band is forced to cut the show short. DMB's two and a half hour set tonight consisted of several of their lengthier tunes including #41, Jimi Thing, Seek Up and Two Step. They were raring to play longer as was evidenced by the powerful rock ending to Two Step. This author is also feeling the time crunch as the stagehands are waiting outside of the crew room to push these cases to the trucks. That said, we'll see y'all in Hershey on Friday.

    The DMB Crew
    Wednesday, June 25
    11:44 PM EDT

  • Recording Information

    Taper: Rockinman
    Location: Behind Soundboard,DFC,Stand at 12 feet
    Source: Akg460mods/ck61 cardioid caps(bass rolloff)>UA5 preamp>Nomad JB3(Optical In)
    Transfer: JB3->Firewire->PC
    Processing: No normalization, Waves L3 Volume Maximizer applied using SoundForge 8.0., fade in & fade out applied
    Conversion: CD Wave Editor for track splitting and Flac16 Conversion @ level 5

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